Israel President Warns of ‘Constitutional and Social Collapse’

President Isaac Herzog of Israel warned in a rare prime-time speech on Sunday that the country is on the verge of “constitutional and social collapse” over a government plan to reduce the power of the judiciary.

(Bloomberg) — President Isaac Herzog of Israel warned in a rare prime-time speech on Sunday that the country is on the verge of “constitutional and social collapse” over a government plan to reduce the power of the judiciary.

Herzog, known more as reliably dull than alarmist, was speaking of a widespread concern that the change planned by the new government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is so radical that it raises doubts about the future of Israel’s democracy, its appeal to foreign investors and ties to its strongest allies. 

“The absence of dialogue is tearing us apart from within, and I’m telling you loud and clear: This powder keg is about to explode,” Herzog told the nation. “This is an emergency.”

Tens of thousands have demonstrated weekly against the government’s plans while scores of economists, business leaders, retired security chiefs and legal scholars have all gone on record in opposition.

Shortly after Herzog spoke, calling for compromise and dialogue, the heads of the country’s top banks — Hapoalim, Discount, Leumi and Mizrahi — all expressed support for his approach.

Netanyahu and his aides want to increase the government’s role in appointing judges and greatly limit the Supreme Court’s authority to strike down legislation. While they aren’t alone in saying that the high court has too much power, many say the planned remedy is far worse than the problem. 

All of this is happening as violence among Israelis and Palestinians has increased in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The security cabinet announced plans late Sunday for the legalization of nine settlement outposts and an increased police presence in the occupied areas as an answer to Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians there. 

The overlapping crises have led to a level of discourse that itself threatens internal violence among Jews. 

A coalition lawmaker blamed the supreme court chief justice for the death of three people in an attack by a Palestinian in Jerusalem. Earlier, a retired combat pilot wrote in a Facebook post that if a prime minister assumes dictatorial powers, “he deserves to die.”

Allies Express Concern

Israel’s closest allies are also speaking up.

President Joe Biden told a New York Times columnist over the weekend that, like US democracy, Israel’s is based on institutional checks and balances, notably through an independent judiciary.

Herzog, whose role is one of symbolic leadership rather than policy, noted the need to work together amid the rising violence in Jerusalem and the West Bank. He laid out a framework to start talks toward a compromise. 

“The threats from outside are great enough,” he said.

Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid, leader of the opposition, called Herzog’s negotiating framework reasonable, noting its stipulation that talks be conditioned on immediate suspension of the legislative process. 

“Until then, the struggle will continue, the protests will not stop,” Lapid said in a statement. “We are fighting for the values of the Declaration of Independence, and for the very idea of living here together as one people.”

Israel has only one legislative body and in such a parliamentary system, the executive can exert enormous control, leaving only the courts to rein in perceived abuses of minorities and human rights. The concern of many opponents is that the proposed changes would make Israel far less open and less appealing as a place to invest, increasing the influence of religious fundamentalists. 

The first part of the planned judicial changes are due to be debated in a parliamentary committee on Monday. A large protest is planned for outside the Parliament building in Jerusalem. 

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