EU sanctions al-Assad’s supporters and five companies due to situation in Syria

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Union on Monday added six people and five entities to its sanctions list in connection to the ongoing situation in Syria.

Among the people are an economic advisor to Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad, three leading business persons supporting the regime and benefiting from it, and two persons connected to the Assad family.

The five companies sanctioned companies are Al-Dj Group, Cham Wings, Freebird Travel Agency, Iloma Investment Private JSC, and Al-Aqila company.

“Some of these entities are engaged in the transfer of Syrian mercenaries, arms trade, narcotics trafficking or money laundering, which support the activities of the Syrian Regime,” the EU said.

These people and companies are now subject to the freezing of their funds and other financial assets in EU member states, while EU operators are prohibited to make funds and economic resources available to him.

(Reporting by Piotr Lipinski; Editing by Benoit Van Overstraeten)