Chile’s Boric Sees Approval Hit All-Time Low as Troubles Mount

Only 25% of Chileans back their president after unpopular pardons, a new poll shows

(Bloomberg) — President Gabriel Boric’s approval rating fell to a record low as Chileans become increasingly angry over a weakening economy and a series of pardons for people involved in violent protests.

Only 25% of respondents back the former student leader, down from 27% previously, according to a weekly Cadem poll published late on Sunday. Roughly 72% said they reject Boric’s decision to release a dozen people who were detained during nationwide demonstrations in 2019, while 78% said they have a negative outlook on consumption, marking the highest level in nine years.

The 36-year-old president lost his cabinet chief and justice minister after his pardons fed concern that his administration is doing too little to fight rising crime. Meanwhile, gross domestic product is expected to fall this year as the labor market stagnates and inflation runs far above target.

This month, Boric’s administration rolled out a new social aid package worth $2 billion, which includes increased cash transfers to the poor, discounts on medicine and an expanded school subsidized lunch program.

The Cadem poll surveyed 701 people by telephone nationwide between Jan. 11-13. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points.

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